306, "This software is licensed for use with <OEMOEMOEM>hard drives only. If you have a <OEMOEMOEM> drive attached to your system please check the cable connections and jumper settings. If you continue to receive this message with your <OEMOEMOEM> drive connected to your system, please contact <OEMOEMOEM> Technical Support by visiting www.wdc.com\n\nIf this software is being used without a <OEMOEMOEM> drive and you wish to purchase a version of Disk Manager software that will install your hard drive, contact Ontrack by visiting www.ontrack.com"
307, "Convert to Ontrack format"
308, "Check the box and click \"Next\" to convert the drive to Ontrack Format.\n\nIf you do not wish to change to Ontrack format click \"Cancel\" to return to the main menu."
309, "SCSI Controller"
310, "The Remove DDO feature cannot be used on this drive without resulting in data loss of one or more files due to data residing at the very end of one or more partitions.\n\nTo remedy this situation, perform a FULL defragmentation of all partitions on this drive.\n\nIf you receive this warning after a full defragmentation and you wish to continue knowing that data loss will occur, check the box below and press \"Next\".\n\nWARNING: Continuing with this option will result in one or more files becoming corrupt. Press \"Cancel\" to abort the removal option and return to the main menu."
311, "Disk Manager has found partitions on this drive which are not DOS/FAT partitions. The Remove DDO is only compatible with DOS/FAT partitions\n\nIf you wish to continue with this option, ALL DATA ON THE DRIVE WILL BE DESTROYED. To remove DDO and destroy all data check the box below and press \"Next\".\n\nTo abort the removal option and return to the Main menu, Press \"Cancel\"."
312, "The system BIOS does not support the full size of this drive. Removing DDO will DESTROY ALL DATA ON THIS DRIVE.\n\nIf you wish to continue with this option and destroy all data on the drive, check the box below and press \"Next\".\n\nTo abort the removal option and return to the Main menu, Press \"Cancel\"."
313, "Data resides on the very last clusters of one or more partitions.\n\nThe Remove DDO feature cannot be used on this drive without resulting in data loss of one or more files."
314, "The selected drive contains partitions that are not FAT partitions.\n\nThe Remove DDO is only compatible with Dos/FAT partitions."
315, "The system BIOS does not support the full size of the selected drive.\n\nRemoving DDO will destroy all data on the selected drive."
316, "&Continue and destroy all data on the drive."